Friday 22 June 2018
On June the 14th, at the premises of Toscana Life Science (Via Fiorentina, 1 - Siena), a Scientific Conference for a large group of DIESSE employees was held.

After the opening speech of Mr. Stefano Marchese, CEO of DIESSE, Mr. Carlo Paoli and Mr. Dario Soldateschi have presented to the audience the latest updates on DIESSE’s Research and Development activities.

The heart of the conference has been the speeches of two prestigious academic guests:

Director of the UOC Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry,
Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome
Full Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Tor Vergata University, Rome
President of the Italian Society for Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC)
Director of UOC Laboratory Medicine,
Hospital of Padua
Full Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
University of Padua
President of the School of Medicine of the University of Padua
The topics discussed during the sessions were the following:

  • The evolution of the clinical laboratory (Prof. S. Bernardini)
  • Accreditation of the clinical laboratory (Prof. M. Plebani)
The speakers, thanks to their communication skills as well as the relevant content of their speeches, have literally polarized the attention of the whole audience.

Both speakers have provided the current and concrete perspective of the actual situation in which specialized and UpToDate laboratories are working and shed a light on the future of the clinical laboratory in Italy and in the world.